Mark vanderVoet - IIIV

Designer | Strategist | Creative Forecaster

Mark (aka Mars) serves as the Director of the Behaviour Lab at Midnight Circus, where he is currently leading the strategic planning and forecasting for clients like JTI, Jack Link's and Kraft. ::: With more than 10 fingers and 10 toes of experience within the Creative Marketing Industry, Mark has offered Design Leadership & Strategic Intelligence to a diverse range of businesses, from local startups to global giants. He's been pivotal in leading "Insight (strategy) to Action (creative)" for several renowned brands. This bridge building process of connecting Data to Design comes from his background in working for Advertising Agencies as well as Research Firms - internationally in Canada, the US, and Japan - where he was instrumental in shaping the METHOD Creative Conference, an event that emphasizes collaboration and the future of communication technologies.

Mark’s Work

XD - Experience Design

"It's all about finding the 'Tectonic Plates'. Pinpointing the unseen forces that are moving your consumers. That is where the nexus or nucleus of the grand-solution will be resting" - IIIV

Over the years, with relentless passion, Mark has helped redefine Experiential Marketing for his clients and co-workers, by fully bending traditional XM opportunities into deep-rooted, meaningful, unforgettable 'XD' Experiences (inspirational moments well worth sharing).

XD Examples:

  • Transformed dingy urban alleyways into Legendary Celebrity Venues for SKYY vodka

  • Got oodles of people lining up to eat ’SLOP' (a gross punishment food) for Slice TV

  • Converted a beat up/run-down community center into a modern multi-level Sports Complex + Eatery for Sportplexe Pierrefonds

  • Brought digital ATM's to life across Canada to Surprise & Delight Canadians with humanized moments for TD Bank

"Nobody wants to be influenced. They want to be inspired." - IIIV

From 2011 to 2016, Mark helped reshape TD's (old man comfort) brand into one that focuses on human experiences. He led a team in launching various experiential campaigns, covering themes in Diversity, Pride, New to Canada, Environment and much more. Under his leadership they established several long lasting 'legacy programs' for the bank that continue to be active to this day.

Some of Mark's notable contributions for TD include:

  • Modifying Union Station pillars into TD Comfort Spots.

  • Envisioning the future designs of their flagship branches.

  • Gaining international media attention (CNN, NBC, FOX, Forbes) by innovating human interactions at digital banking machines.

While leading creative at Diamond, Mark's efforts contributed to winning over 50 industry awards in diverse categories, from 'Social' to 'Best of the Best'. These accolades came from esteemed organizations like Digi, Shorty, CMA, Effie, etc... for recognizing campaigns he led for clients such as TD Bank, Canadian Tire and Lucky Charms. 

"I enjoy carving wood as it helps me think in 3D...  It's also an excellent medium for practicing balance... because if you work the wood too hard, the piece will crack or snap... but if you interact too softly, you can’t unlock or penetrate into the wood's mystic realm." - IIIV


"I bring art into my design, but [DESIGN] is not art." - IIIV

Whether working as a Strategist or CD, Mark proudly maintains his identity as a designer, as he strongly believes in its immense power. ::: "The term [DESIGN] is extremely expansive, but it can be summarized as Innovation, Planning, Creativity and Progression." ::: Throughout Mark's career, he has delved deeply into various Design Disciplines, Philosophies and Theories, constantly evolving and honing his expertise as a Design Thinker and Doer.

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