Your experience in a beautifully designed online portfolio

VettedCV is a network for managers, executives and entrepreneurs to showcase their experience and be discovered. As a Vetted member, you get a beautifully designed online portfolio created for you by our team of designers. LinkedIn is great for networking, while VettedCV is where you want to be to showcase who you are and what you’ve accomplished.

Your Experience Summarized

It’s time to go beyond a resume and LinkedIn. Say hello to a beautifully designed portfolio that summarizes your experience perfectly.

Be Discovered

Our portfolios are designed in a way that makes it easy for talent seekers to get to know you and your experience. The top recruiters are here and we are serving them your work in an easy to consume way.

Your Place on the Web

Your career journey deserves a dedicated online space that reflects your unique qualities. With a personalized portfolio page, you make it easier for talent seekers to find and connect with you. People are searching your name, now you will have the perfect result on Google.

Who You Are

We believe that you have a unique story to tell, and we are here to help you tell it. With your help we will create a stellar bio, add photos and details of your biggest successes so that talent seekers can get to know you.

Privacy Your Way

You have the power to choose who can view your portfolio. It can be public or password protected. Whatever is best for you.

Concierge Service

We are in this together. Our dedicated concierge team is here to help you every step of the way to ensure together we make the most of your portfolio and showcase your unique talents.

Sample Portfolios

Putting yourself first and taking that initial step can be a little scary. That’s why we are here with you every step of the way to create a portfolio that represents you to the fullest.

Our Guarantee

We know you are going to love your portfolio, but just in case you don't, we offer a 100% money back guarantee.

Think you are a fit?