Great but Never Exquisite: Embracing Mark vanderVoet's Design Philosophy

In the ever-evolving landscape of design, where trends come and go with the setting sun, Vetted CV Member Mark vanderVoet stands as a beacon of enduring creativity. Known affectionately as Mars, his approach to design transcends the traditional, urging budding designers and seasoned professionals alike to cultivate a garden of varied skills rather than striving for perfection in a single discipline. This philosophy, deeply rooted in the essence of adaptability and growth, offers a fresh perspective on navigating the creative world.

The Art of Being Versatile

Mars's journey from the vibrant streets of Scarborough to the helm of a behavior lab showcases a career built on the foundation of versatility. He argues that in design, as in life, holding onto a single style is akin to anchoring oneself to a sinking ship. The design world is an ocean, vast and unpredictable; to survive and thrive, one must learn to ride the waves of change, exploring various styles and mediums without the fear of imperfection.

Why Mastery Can Be a Limitation

In an era where specialization is often lauded, Mars presents a counter-narrative, suggesting that true creativity is not about achieving perfection in one area but about being good at many. This approach does not discount the value of expertise; rather, it challenges the notion that expertise should come at the expense of breadth. By embracing a wide array of styles, a designer can remain agile, ready to adapt their approach to meet the demands of any project or client.

Practical Applications

How, then, can designers apply Mars's philosophy in their own careers? The key lies in continuous exploration and learning. And above all, avoiding the trap of crystallizing into one style and/or system.Designers are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones, experiment with new tools, methods, and engage with various trends not as followers but as curious observers. This might mean dabbling in digital illustration, sculpture, typography, UX/UI design, or even areas outside traditional design boundaries, such as anthropology or behavioural science, as Mars has

Each new skill or style a designer explores is akin to adding a colour to their palette; not every colour will be used in every project, but having a diverse selection at one's disposal enhances creativity and problem-solving abilities. Moreover, this approach fosters a design mindset that is resilient to the ebbs and flows of trends, ensuring longevity in a career that is subject to rapid change.

Cultivating a Creative Ecosystem

At its core, Mars's design philosophy is not just about personal growth; it's about contributing to a richer, more diverse creative ecosystem. By sharing knowledge and experiences across different domains, designers can inspire one another, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in design. This collaborative spirit, rooted in the diversity of skills and styles, has the potential to drive innovation and create designs that resonate on a deeper level with audiences.


Mark vanderVoet's design philosophy is a call to arms for the creative community, urging designers to embrace the beauty of imperfection and the power of diversity. In a world that often seeks to pigeonhole creativity into neat boxes, Mars's approach offers a pathway to limitless exploration and innovation. By fostering a design practice that values versatility over perfection, designers can not only evolve with the times but also shape the future of design itself.

Get To Know Mars

Mark vanderVoet - Midnight Circus


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